Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Not much to say today....

I've discovered something: Cleaning my apartment is very good for my sanity, and it is making the energies of the place much easier to deal with. Clutter, as I have discovered, does nothing good for me--but unfortunately, when I have a lot to do, cleaning gets shoved aside. The cleaning I'm doing now almost feels like the last step in a ritual to reinvent my life....

In other news: there's the possibility that I'll be celebrating with the Circle of the Phoenix in early February.

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My apologies

Just a quick update today, as I haven't got much time....

I'm sorry I've been away for so long. I don't know that anyone reads this, but the part I feel bad about is being so lax about my spiritual education. I have not been in a good place for the past few months, and the negative stuff is just beginning to disappear. I'm working very hard to get back to that good place.

Things that are looking up: a possible full moon ritual with the Circle of the Phoenix! They are lovely people there! It will be nice to see them again.

Other than that, once my life settles down, I really want to get serious about things. It's been proven to me time and time again that hiding from everything when life gets difficult isn't the thing to do; I end up alone, and that's never been what I wanted.